Thursday, June 5, 2008

Running the Biology Trail- A Colorful Symphony

Baseline brown path bordered by lush green.
Rhythmically running on rain-soft path.
Thud. Squish. Thud. Squish. Thud. Squish. Thud. Squish.
Tempo of turquoise; my feet keep time.

Singing sienna trees stretch upward.
Grandiose gold clouds guide sunset blaze.
Droning dusk comes drawing long shadows.

A chorus copper, the insects chant.
Melodic, maroon birdsong moves me.

A cantata composed by our Creator.


Amy said...

JEN!! :)

Yay! You got a blog! Your blog makes me miss the Biology Trail. It is such a wonderful place!

shama said...

So glad you found my blog! I miss the biology trail so much, but you even more! Hope you are having a wonderful summer.

Kristin said...

Nice :) Lovely use of alliteration. Glad to see that you also have a blog :D